Troubleshooting Common Commercial Roofing Problems

While commercial roofing systems tend to last longer than their residential counterparts, they do encounter unique challenges and are far from being completely immune to weather damage. Some of these problems are more difficult to spot, but they need to be taken care of as soon as possible.

In this post, Roof Masters shares some of these common commercial roofing problems and how we can help you address them.

Water Pooling on the Surface

This is a common problem that flat and low-slope roofs encounter. While the membrane can withstand the immediate effects, the standing water can cause irreversible damage if it’s left on the surface for too long.

The short-term solution to this is cleaning the surface and doing any necessary roof repair on the membrane. We recommend you also install a more effective drainage system, especially for larger roofs, so that the structure can shed water properly.

Bubbles on the Roof

Bubbles on the roofing membrane are a sign that there’s trapped moisture underneath the surface of the roof. It makes the structure more susceptible to leaks and can reduce its lifespan considerably if not addressed immediately.

These bubbles are warning signs that the roof has poor insulation and ventilation. Once you see these form on the roof, it may be time to schedule an inspection with us so we can check on your insulation and if the vents on the roof are in need of repair or replacement.

Stains on the Ceiling

Dark streaks and stains on the ceiling are signs that there’s a leak somewhere on the roof. Don’t brush these off as even a small leak can grow to a considerable size in just weeks. It’s a good idea to patch up these leaks as soon as possible, but it’s an even better idea to schedule preventive roof maintenance with us so you can head off problems like these before they even start.

Since 1994, Roof Masters has provided homeowners with excellent roofing services. Whether you’re in need of preventive repair or a replacement, you can count on us to get it right the first time around.

Call us today at (888) 889-7551 to learn more about our services. We are local roofing experts in Montgomery County, MD.