Dealing With Thermal Bridging in Your Home

Your home’s roofing system, siding, windows, doors, walls, insulation and other components make up its thermal envelope. This has to do with the energy efficiency of the building. The more effective the components are at preventing air leaks, the more complete and efficient the thermal envelope is.

A common problem among many homes is thermal bridging. This is also known either as a cold bridge or as a heat bridge. Even when you think your home is properly insulated and all leaks are sealed, thermal bridging can still account for up to 30% of heat loss in cold weather. 

What Is Thermal Bridging?

Different objects have different levels of conductivity. In thermal bridging, heat constantly tries to find the path of least resistance, which means it can escape through objects that are more conductive than those surrounding them. 

How Does It Affect a Home?

With thermal bridges, your home becomes less energy-efficient. A thermal bridge is a breach in your home’s thermal envelope. With heat loss of up to 30% during winter due to thermal bridges, your home is colder than it’s supposed to be. To keep your home warm and comfortable, your HVAC equipment has to work harder. This means it’s using more energy, which will translate into higher utility expenses for you.

How Can It Be Prevented?

The first step in preventing a thermal bridge is an inspection. A professional can determine where the thermal bridging is occurring even if it’s not obvious to the naked eye. Wall studs, for example, are notorious for being the path of least resistance, thus providing the thermal bridge. Where the wall meets the floor and where it meets the ceiling are areas that can also cause a bridge. 

By inspecting your home, a professional can best recommend the fixes your home needs. For example, if your roof is the problem, roofers may recommend the necessary roof repair.

Most thermal bridges happen through the wall studs, though, so that’s where you should apply a solution. A good way to do it is by installing insulated vinyl siding. Insulated vinyl siding can serve to seal the thermal bridges provided by the wall studs.

Roof Masters is a trusted roofing company. We can help you deal with thermal bridging problems as well as roof maintenance. Call us today at (301) 230-7663, or fill out the form here to schedule your estimate. We work with homeowners in Montgomery County, MD.