Gutters, Siding and Roofing: How to Maintain Your Exterior

Your roof, siding and gutters make up a significant part of your home’s exterior. These items require regular cleaning and maintenance, in addition to its scheduled professional inspections and service. Here, learn why cleaning and maintaining these exterior components are important.

Why You Should Do Your Own Inspections

Scheduled professional maintenance and doing your own periodic maintenance are complementary in helping you get the most out of your exterior. Think of the former as the housekeeping version of an annual physical. After an inspection, you get an accurate assessment of your home’s health as well as a repair and maintenance plan, which you should follow in between appointments.

Give your home’s exterior the same amount of love and care, and you can expect to get the best performance from these exterior components. The exact cleaning methods will differ depending on your roof, siding and gutter systems, and you will need to consult their respective care and maintenance guides. Here’s a typical maintenance routine for each component:

Typical Cleaning and Maintenance Routines

Siding – Vinyl is the most common siding material and the easiest to clean and maintain. All you need is a garden hose to wash it down. For stubborn dirt and hard-to-reach areas, you may need a soft brush with a telescoping handle. Use a squeegee or a clean, lint-free cloth to wipe your window to avoid water stains. Other types of siding may require specific tools or cleaning mixtures.

Gutters – You will need a stable ladder that safely attaches to the roof’s edge. Wearing safety gloves, scoop out all the accumulated dirt, leaves and debris. You don’t have to get out all the small bits as it will get washed away the next time it rains. Inspect the joints, and make sure these areas are sealed. You may also want to consider investing in a gutter protection system like LeafAway® or Leaf Relief, which keeps gutters free-flowing by filtering solids from rainwater.

Roofing – You don’t have to risk injury just to inspect your roof. Inspect it safely from the ground using a pair of binoculars, and look for missing, loose or worn-out shingles. Pay special attention to areas with flashing, such as valleys, exhaust pipes and basically anything that penetrates the roof. Check your ceiling for signs of leaks, and contact us if you find a problem, even the smallest ones.

We also offer door replacement and other services. Call Roof Masters today at (888) 889-7551, or fill out our contact form to schedule a free inspection and estimate. We serve many areas, including Rockville, MD.