Things Your Maryland Siding Contractors Should Tell You About Vinyl

Although reputable Maryland siding contractors can install efficient and high-quality vinyl siding for you, the material can only go so far without your help. As with any dependable fixture in your home exterior, your siding will need proper maintenance and care to protect them from things that could damage them– in this case, mildew.

The Danger of Mildew

Mildew can chip away at the lifespan of most materials over time, but this isn’t the only reason for you to worry about it growing in your house. Exposure to mildew and mold could trigger allergic reactions at the least, and may even cause headaches, dizziness, and other problems as they attack the nervous system.


Look for a strong bleach (make sure that it’s not corrosive to your vinyl siding or harmful to the environment) and a soft-bristle brush and start scrubbing away at the mildew formations around your house. You can also use a simple home-brew remedy of vinegar and water for this.


As in the case of most fungi like it, mildew develops through the aid of moisture, so it’s essential that you lower its concentration around your house to prevent the organism from developing. You can do this by changing the composition of the soil beneath your home and getting some drain tiles installed.

Plants and Mildew

Vegetation could also serve as a breeding ground for mildew, so Yahoo! Voices advises this:

Plants need to be removed or relocated from areas that are especially susceptible to growing mildew.

Shrubs and other ornamental plants help transfer moisture and other items to the siding to increase mildew growth. They also shade the siding and keep sunlight from keeping the mildew at bay.

You can also protect your home’s exterior by calling in some dependable siding contractors in Maryland every now and then for some regular maintenance and repairs. The services of contractors like Roof Masters, along with your helping hand as homeowner, should be enough to turn your vinyl siding into an excellent, long-term investment.

(Article Information and Image from How to Care for Vinyl Siding and Reduce Mildew on It, Yahoo! Voices)