Roof Safety 101: 3 Ways to Reduce the Risk of Fire to Your Roof

A fire is one of the scariest things a homeowner can face. While a fire is not really something anyone can predict, you can take a few steps to try to prevent it or minimize the damage when disaster strikes. While there’s no such thing as a foolproof technique when it comes to fires, there are a few strategies that roofers recommend to better protect your family and property. 

1. Keep Your Chimney Clean

If there is a fireplace in your home, one easy way to minimize the risk of fires is to clean it regularly. Not many homeowners know this, but over time, a combustible layer of tar-like material called a creosote will start forming inside your chimney. This material can build up pretty quickly, especially if you like using your fireplace during the winter. Be sure to have your chimney cleaned at least once a year.

2. Remove Debris From Your Roof

It may seem like a trivial thing, but even fire-resistant roofing materials have been known to ignite if debris like dried leaves and twigs catches on fire and burns for a long time. For this reason, it is important that you clean your roof regularly to prevent debris build up.

3. Check Your Electrical Wiring

Many roofs have electrical wiring running through them for things like light fixtures and HVAC systems. If these electrical systems malfunction, there is a pretty good chance that they may start a roof fire that could wreak havoc on your entire home. Be sure to always maintain your electrical system and fix exposed wiring to avoid disaster.

Roof Masters is a trusted roofing company that has provided lasting value to Rockville, MD, residents since 1994. For all your roof-related needs, be sure to give us a call at (301) 230-7663, or fill out our contact form to request a free quote today.