Roof Maintenance Checklist for Spring Season

Spring is the first chance that you get to get your roof maintained. Aside from having good weather, it also helps lower the chances of roof problems occurring during the hotter months. To help you get started, here’s a handy checklist to help you go about roof maintenance the proper way.

Start From the Curb

The easiest way to check if your roof has suffered any problems is to view your home from the sidewalk. Look for major signs of damage caused by snow, strong winds or fallen debris. If everything looks fine, prepare to take a closer look at different parts of the roof.

Check the Gutters

Your roof’s condition can be heavily affected by a damaged gutter. Look for signs of damage, such as busted seams or corroded spots in the downspout and gutter troughs. If there aren’t any, have the gutters checked for signs of blockage caused by dirt, debris or nesting animals.

Look at Your Eaves

The cold season can turn your roof into the perfect spot for critters to use as a temporary shelter. Unfortunately, animals like birds or rodents can bring plenty of debris to use for nesting, and that’s not even considering the damage they can do when they chew on parts of your roof. Since getting animals off your roof could be dangerous, we recommend calling pest control instead of trying to coax them out of your home.

Clear the Vents

Vent boots and grilles are supposed to help vent air and heat out, but they could also get clogged by debris accumulated in the autumn and winter. Roofing experts say that spring weather is safe enough to allow you to have these parts of your home checked before blockages cause air circulation problems when summer arrives. Like with any other areas in your roofing system, it may be better to just call the professionals since they have the gear and experience to safely perform inspections.

Start the season with a well-maintained roof. Roof Masters is the leading roofing and home exterior company in Beltsville, MD. Contact us at (888) 889-7551, or fill out our contact form to get a free quote.