How to Know if You Need a Roof Replacement

Most homeowners forget about their roofing system until leaks start affecting their daily activities. Your roof is a durable structure, but the everyday damage it receives will eventually take its toll on your system, which means you’ll need to replace it. Roof Masters, the leading roof and window replacement contractor, shares some telltale signs of an impending roof replacement:

Your Roof is Nearing the End of Its Service Life

With proper installation and regular maintenance, asphalt shingle roofs can usually last for up to 20 years. Which is why, if your roof is nearing or has passed that number, it may be time to consider a replacement, even if everything still looks good on the surface. There could be a number of underlying structural issues that won’t be evident with a simple visual inspection. We recommend turning to a professional like us for a more thorough checkup.

Your Shingles Are Curling

Your shingles can curl in two ways. Cupping happens when the edges of your shingles start turning upward while clawing is when the middle starts to come up. Both of these are signs of weathering and are an early indication of leaks. If you see any of these on your roof’s surface, we recommend calling a professional for the proper roofing solutions.

You Find Granules in the Gutters

Finding granules in your gutters is not a problem if you just had a roof replacement. These are usually loose, extra ones that come off during construction. It’s a different story, however, if your roof is at least 10 years old. Granules keep the sun off your roof’s asphalt, and once the granules fall off, your shingles will start to bake and quickly deteriorate. It’s best to invest in a replacement to keep your home’s comfort and protection intact.

Turn to Roof Masters for quality roof replacement today. We also offer other home improvement services like window and doors replacement. Call us at (888) 889-7551 to learn more. We serve Beltsville and the surrounding Maryland communities.