How to Choose a Timeless Roof Color for Your Home

There really is nothing wrong with selecting a trendy roof color for your home. What you have to remember, however, is that design trends, including “hot” colors, tend to go out of style quickly. This is why most roofing contractors will recommend that you use timeless colors that will stand the test of time. If you want a home that will remain up-to-date for as long as you are living in it, it’s best to stick to the classics. 

Practical Considerations When It Comes to Selecting a Color

When it comes to picking a roof color, some homeowners are unaware that what they end up choosing can have a huge impact on their home’s overall energy efficiency. If you live in a climate with blistering hot summers, you should go with a color that is close to white on the color spectrum so that it is more effective in deflecting the sun’s heat. Alternatively, if you live in a state with cold winters, a dark-colored roof will be better able to absorb and retain heat.

Picking Timeless Colors

When it comes to selecting colors, you should try imagining colors that you’ll feel as comfortable with in 30 years as you do today. While roofers may suggest black, grey or cedar as long-term colors, they certainly aren’t your only options.

Remember, a classic color need not be boring. Navy, heather grey, forest green or a mellow cream color could all be considered timeless colors that you can enjoy for decades. 

If you are looking for a roofing company that has a strong focus on high-quality materials and provides excellent customer service, then look no further than Roof Masters. For residents of Rockville, MD, and other nearby areas, please feel free to give us a call at (301) 230-7663, or fill out our online contact form to get in touch with one of our experts today.