Common Chimney Concerns You Need to Address ASAP

The chimney is one of the most vulnerable fixtures on the house exterior. It has lots of moving parts, and one faulty component could seal its fate. So, it’s important to address issues as soon as possible, especially the following ones.

Creosote and Soot

These substances are more than just dirt. Creosote and soot are fire hazards. They are highly combustible, which could ignite when least expected.


The chimney exists to give the smoke an exit. Any obstruction to it can negatively affect its functionality and efficiency. Discovering a bird’s nest in your chimney too late could be disastrous.

Flue Cracking

The flue lining is subject to tremendous heat and stress. When made of clay tile, this component could develop some cracks that will heat up the parts of your property with little fire resistance. Any breaks in the lining could also set the stage for indoor air pollution since these prevent harmful gases from escaping the interior of your house.

Stainless steel chimney linings are synonymous with durability. If you do not have one yet, have one installed sooner rather than later.

Mortar Deterioration

Brick can stand the test of time. In fact, it could survive for more or less a century. The mortar joining bricks together does not have the same lifespan, though. When this substance wears completely away, it will set the stage for moisture infiltration unless replaced.

Compromised Flashing

Broken chimney flashing can hurt the chimney as much as it can jeopardize the roofing system. As a sealing component, the flashing has to remain watertight at all times or else your chimney will be in trouble.

Let Roof Masters give your chimney a thorough checkup to learn its present condition or see whether it needs to be restored or rebuilt. Call us at (301) 230-7663 to set up your appointment with us and get a free estimate in Beltsville, MD.