3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts of a Home Improvement Project

Navigating any home renovation or improvement project can be troublesome. Even after hiring a professional to fix it, there are things you must do to ensure the project is completed. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be a tiring chore. Roof Masters, your trusted local experts in home improvement, give you three important things to do and three issues to avoid during a project.

DO: Plan a Timeline

Whether you need the shingles replaced or the doors repaired, always remember that the project will take some time. Plan how long you want the crew to do the project, and make sure it’s a realistic estimate. Remember that a rushed project is likely to result in mistakes.

DON’T: Spend on Luxurious but Unnecessary Items

The key to a good home improvement project is that it should lead to something that looks good and something that you use often. If you must have that new bathroom fixture to brighten the room, make sure it serves a purpose. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending on a liability.

DO:  Research for the Project

A window replacement project is what you need if your old windows look their age, have cracks everywhere or are no longer energy-efficient. There are many options out there, but without thorough research, you may end up with a type you didn’t really want. Do your research to make sure you get only what you’ve always wanted in terms of form and function.

DON’T: Forget About Energy Efficiency

Your new roofing should add to your home’s curb appeal, but it should also add more value by making your home more energy-efficient. Always keep in mind that form and function work together in home improvement. A good-looking roof should also contribute to your savings by lowering energy use.

DO: Manage Your Budget

Consider when to pay and how much. It’s better to have the roofing paid in installments according to the stage of the project. Avoid any contractor that demands full payment before completing the project.

DON’T: Hire Companies on a Whim

This points back to research. Without it, you might be swayed by advertising or some flowery words. Hire a contractor only after finding out enough about them to make you feel at ease.

Roof Masters is the contractor you can trust to help you avoid the pitfalls of home improvement. Call us at (888) 889-7551. We serve homeowners in Beltsville, MD.