Door Swelling: A Guide

Doors need to be maintained. It is worth noting that there are some issues that can be difficult to prevent, especially for the wooden ones. Here, we’ll talk you through the basics of door expanding or swelling. 

Door Swelling

Experts note that excess moisture is wood’s natural enemy. Wooden doors are prone to swelling because they absorb moisture present in the air. During the hot summer days, it’s likely for doors to experience this and start sticking as the humidity levels outside increase. Similarly, your doors can also absorb moisture following heavy rainfall. Even in relatively dry weather conditions, your internal doors may still expand if you like taking hot showers, for instance. 

Preventing Door Swelling

While absorbed moisture is what causes your doors to swell, it is always urged that you keep humidity levels in your home down. Door replacement companies suggest that a simple way to combat door swelling is to simply open your windows or turn on the exhaust. You can also use exterior paint to help your doors battle the elements while freshening them up a bit. 

Yet again, the most definite solution for this problem is to upgrade to doors that have moisture-resistant properties. 

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