Why Reputable Maryland Roofers Would Recommend Using Clay Roof Tiles

According to records, Maryland gets 30-40 days of thunderstorms and approximately six tornadoes in a year. With these extreme weather changes, roofs in the state are left susceptible to damage. This fact might be reason enough for residents to consider using strong and long-wearing roofing materials, such as clay.

Clay tiles are highly regarded for their durability and superior service life. Experts have estimated that installations can last up to 50 years or more. As mentioned in an eHow article, their ability to provide adequate insulation also contributes to their popularity:

[…] Combined with a natural ability to reflect, instead of absorb, heat from the sun, clay tiles can reduce the energy required to maintain comfortable temperatures in your home. Clay roofs are very common in the American Southwest, where staying cool is in many areas a year-round battle. An additional advantage is that clay tiles allow air to circulate both above and below them, creating an insulating cushion of air between the tiles and the roof deck that further increases the insulating ability of the roof as a whole.

Moreover, with their unparalleled aesthetic appeal, clay tile roofs never go out of style. They are also fire-resistant. Additionally, they will neither rot nor attract mold, and can even withstand freezing temperatures.

Here are a few other points you must consider if you are opting for this roofing material:

Installation concerns

Clay tiles are heavy and they require stronger roof framing and sheathing. If you ask experienced Maryland roofers why, they are likely to tell you that a flimsy roof will flex under its weight and only cause the tiles to crack. Ideally, the supporting materials should be replaced every 20 years to prevent the roof from caving in.

Choosing a contractor

While clay tiles are very durable, they can also break if they are stepped on. Choose a skilled contractor if you want to have them installed without compromising their quality. It is important to ask contractors if they have experience in installing clay tiles. Additionally, it is important to ask them for a product warranty and an accurate written estimate for their service.

As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. When it comes to having a quality roof over your head, don’t settle for anything less. Rely on established roofing contractors in Rockville, MD like Roof Masters to get a job done right.

(Article Excerpt and Image from Why Use Clay Roof Tiles?, eHow.com)