Don’t Let Ice Dams Damage Your Home

Icicles dangling from the edge of your roof and glittering in the sunlight can be a beautiful winter sight. But those picturesque icicles are often a sign of trouble that can lead to expensive structural damage to your home.

The problem occurs when “ice dams” form along the roof edge and in the gutters. Ice dams form when snow or ice is melted by the warming sun or, more commonly, by a roof deck that is heated by rising air from inside your home. The melted snow and ice flows down the roof and, upon reaching the edge and being exposed to frigid air, refreezes.

This causes a buildup of ice that blocks any additional water flowing down, forcing it to backup. The pooled water finds its way under your roof’s shingles or between the roof edge and gutter, trickling into your home to cause damage to rafters, ceilings, walls, studs – even the foundation.

Ice dams can be prevented by taking a few relatively simple steps. First, keep gutters clean and clear so that water can flow freely. This means either a late season cleaning, or the installation of a gutter protection system like LeafAway or LeafRelief.

Even more important is to cool down your roof with proper attic insulation. By preventing heated air from escaping from your home into the attic, the temperature of the underside of the roof deck remains in better balance with the outside temperature. This helps to prevent any snow or ice cover from melting.

The time to insulate your attic is before temperatures drop to the freezing mark. Gutter protection systems are a good idea any time of year, and can also help prevent gutters from filling up and becoming clogged during rainstorms.

If you notice ice building up along the edge of your roof or in your gutters, call the professionals at Roof Masters to clear away the blockage. Climbing a ladder yourself in the winter is very hazardous. We deal with these problems all the time and are better equipped to handle the task quickly and safely.

When ice dams form, call Roof Masters at 888-889-7551.