Top 4 Reasons Why Any Roof Could Fail Prematurely

Your roof is made to last since it must keep the interior of your property safe and dry. It takes a lot of beating from nature on a regular basis, even when you think that the weather is pleasant.

In the end, age and time will require you to get a new roof. But there are times when your roof might fail long before its time. These include the following reasons:

1. Improper Design

There are more than a dozen roof types, and each is designed for certain circumstances. The climate should be one the primary considerations when designing a roof. One error could suffice to increase the chances of wind uplift, leakage and collapse.

2. Flawed Workmanship

Roof installation leaves no room for mistakes. Hiring the lowest bidder may be tempting, but there is always a reason why a roofer might charge less than most of the competition. With home improvement, you usually get what you pay for so do not be sold on cost alone.

3. Substandard Material

Beware of “bargains”. An unscrupulous contractor might pitch cheap materials, but it is an offer you should refuse. Regardless of the story behind the discount products, do not buy them. Although they may actually be in good condition presently, you can’t expect them to last as long as their freshly manufactured counterparts.

4. Neglect

Preventive maintenance is a non-negotiable requirement for roof care. Do not wait for your roofing system to exhibit pronounced signs of damage. Be proactive in searching for issues, weather-related or otherwise, in order to catch causes early and fix them.

Turn to Roof Masters to guarantee the longevity of your roof, and leave nothing to chance. Call (301) 230-7663 to set up your FREE inspection and estimate with us in Rockville, MD.